Saturday, August 30, 2008


Today my gorgeous boy turns 8!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY AMAZING LITTLE MAN!!! I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH ...I HOPE YOU HAVE AN AWESOME DAY!!!!!!here are some pics from the pressie opening this morning..... tell him to show mum and you get an automatic pose now funny....lazytown dvd from the girls!!!
followed by a cars megablocks set from mum and dad......hours of fun ahead there for sure!!!
the next thrill was a parcel in the mail from Aunty shelly, uncle graeme, bronte and cooper!!! he was so excited about it!!!
as you can tell by the huge smile!!! loves the books and things ..thanks so much!!! "mwah"
of course as soon as the opening was over lazytown had to go straight on and other then to see a message on the computer from aunty kate he hasn't moved...hehehehehe.....gotta love lazytown!!!!

we are having a pirate party tommorrow so i will add some pics for you then as well......enjoy your day ..i know we will!!!


Krissy Christie said...

Happy Birthday Ethan!!!Hope you have a fandabbydosey day :)

Cant wait to see the photos from the pirate party!!

Krissy xx

Kat said...

Happy Birthday Ethan! Hope you had a great day!